Focus On You

Gift Card & Services Brochure

The brand identity pieces for Focus On You included a gift card package and services list brochure.


Gift Card Package

Focus on You’s gift card package was designed with consistent colours and imagery to reinforce their brand. Each piece had the company’s logo and the image of a relaxed woman in a tropical environment. The brand colours (white, black and blush pink) lent a feminine feel, while the “bring yourself back into focus” tagline conveyed that the day spa was dedicated to personal improvement and care.

We designed the gift card holder to open like a greeting card, revealing the gift card inside. The packaging gives the gift card a personalized, high-quality impression.

Focus On You Gift Card Package


Services Brochure

We designed Focus on You’s service listing to present their myriad of services in an easily-read, clean format so clients wouldn’t be overwhelmed. We created a brochure with tabs on the right side that labelled each of the service categories. The corresponding page displayed individual services and prices.

We reinforced the lifestyle message of Focus on You’s brand by using imagery of tropical flowers, relaxing women and images of the different services throughout the brochure. The design echoed the gift card package, creating a consistent experience for customers. The small, booklet-sized brochure was portable and designed to fit into women’s purses.

Focus On You Services Brochure

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