
Digital Presentation

PinPoint Marketing developed a digital presentation to showcase the TinHouse Designs artwork.


Presentation Slides 1

To vividly present the TinHouse Designs artwork in a variety of settings, we created customized images that showcased how the artwork could complement specific decor and colour palettes. Our photos made the digital presentation stand out and appeal to customers looking for design inspiration.

TinHouse Presentation Slides 1


Presentation Slides 2

We used the same images from the TinHouse Designs digital presentation slides across other marketing pieces (such as advertising and the TinHouse website) to create consistency and brand recognition. The branded images were used as a slide show in both the gallery and on the website.

TinHouse Presentation Slides 2

More projects for TinHouse

Direct Mail Postcard Advertising E-commerce Website & Online Advertising TinHouse Designs & Coffee Co. Logos